Miss Yayra Nego, a 26 year old professional model and pageant consultant impressed the judges with her elegance and smartness to ease her way to the top with fierce competition from first runner-up, Jennifer Amegbor, and second runner-up, Angelica Alomele, respectively.
The judges for the finals were Ameyaw Debrah, Rodney Quarcoo, Valentina Sweetie Forte, Claudia Kwarteng-Lumor, Dehner Henry and Brazilian Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Luis Fernando de Andrade Serra. Yayra will proudly represent Ghana at the upcoming Miss Universe pageant in Sao Paulo, Brazil in September.
The selection process was another exclusive event which proved to be a master execution from the pageant organizers to focus on the content and results without the usual big budget production value.
Miss Yayra Nego expressed her immense joy by summing her excitement into one sentence, “my dearly departed father would have been so proud for me to represent my ancestral roots as a strong and determined Ghanaian woman of color”.
Yayra E. Nego has a Ghanaian father from Mafi – Adidome in the Volta Region of Ghana and an American mother of German and Persian ancestry. Miss Universe Ghana is organized and produced by the Insignia Group.
original post: http://www.jamati.com/....
I feel that I will fall to be a gay while looking in this year 2011 beauty pageant. I love all the contestant of Miss Universe 2011
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