As was to be expected this evening, Headsmates headed out to the Arena for some unusual activity - this week they had to battle in the sky in a Gladiators type of set up. On arrival, the Heads quickly grabbed pool noodles with which they fought one another.
The twist to the battles was that they had to do the fighting while airborne. Some Housemates were more at home in the sky than others. Wendall, being a pilot, was one Headsmate that appeared the most comfortable in the air, while Felicia was the most rattled by heights.
All in all, Headsmates were in good spirits and even sharing jokes while they thumped one another with noodles. Who does Africa think will come out with flying colours?
Flying high!
This week you get to save Confidence, Hanni, Millicent, Weza, Vimbai, Vina, Zeus. Vote now to save your favourite Housemates. Click Here to do so! Let your voice be heard!
- By Furah
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